(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)
Day 26 5/31/2023
Episode 40
In the Village
Felix casts a spell on Az to help him out, but Hazel is able to counterspell it and it doesn’t work. Instead, Felix charms Hazel and succeeds. Gwyneira summons an undead thrall in between her and Tamako and they separate. Idham uses command on Hazel, and tells her to halt. She comes to a stop, completely immobilized for her next round. Raya casts arcane shield on Azazel, and attacks. Tamako steps back and her eyes tear up. She asks Gwyn one more time to join her and gets a no, so she attacks. She damages most of us, but brings down only Idham. Hazel sees this happen and comes to the conclusion that Tamako would probably attack her too. Idham is currently an ice statue. The longhouse creaks as the head of the phoenix pushes its way through the wall. Rasshak is standing on the phoenix’s head. Rasshak uses recover on Tamako and teleports her onto the phoenix’s head with him. With her demon’s help, she uses counterspell as Tamako tries to attack again. Gwyn floats into the air, surging with shadow magic. Tamako’s vines just stop, and she gasps as all the shadow magic fades from her and gets pulled into Gwyneira. Gwyn no longer feels the demon inside of her, just his magic as well as Tamako’s. Tamako collapses against Rasshak and he grabs her and the phoenix takes off, splintering the long house and sending wood flying. The phoenix lifts into the air and cruises away. Gwyn is able to regain her composure and floats back down. Azazel heals Idham, thawing him. The longhouse is now gone along with about 10 other buildings.
We head toward the bar, Zerutan heals Xander and we continue on. We get drunk. We try to decide what to do next. We talk about the island and try to figure out what to do with it. It’s being fought over by 3 beings essentially, Zerutan, Vulkus, and the shadow being. We can get rid of the shadow being and try to get the island dedicated to Zerutan with temples, or monoliths, or whatever, but there will still be a lot of things dedicated to Vulkus on this island. We check Zerutan to see what alignment he is and find he is Chaotic Good. We finish our talk with him and continue to talk about what to do next.
We vote to side with Delet and find a way to protect Xander from Vulkus. We decided to spend the next two days to try to help the islanders recover. Raya though has decided that her place is on her ship and not on the land, and she would be most helpful from her ship. She’ll stay in the area but will be on her ship, help get a port set up and the like. Az also says he’s gonna head back to Sypet, the city. He will stay with us for a day or two, but then he is going to leave. Most of us go to help out the village, but Idham and Raya hang back to chat. Raya asks Idham what he wants. He isn’t sure, he says that he wants to help the town and will let her know when they’re done.
One night, Xander meets with Zerutan to try to make a contract with him. He does so. Felix meditates using his metal arm, and is able to call upon one of the cloaked figures from the school of shadows, the one in the green cloak. She lowers it to show Wisp, his old girlfriend. Felix says he’ll do better, and she thinks that he is doing enough, but he’s being hard on himself. She says he wants to do more than his best, and he says yes. He says it’s his burden to bear, and she wants to know why he needs to do it alone. He blames himself for her death. She is sad for him, that he is doing it all alone. She tells him to call her if he ever needs her, leans forward to kiss him on the forehead. Her body shimmers and she disappears into his metal arm. Felix takes a moment before heading back to town. Gwyneira walks up to Xander and kind of kicks him and asks if Zerutan can figure out what the anklet is. Idham goes around to talk to everyone, to say goodbye.
See some names or information you don't know about, check out our other blog post "Who Are These People? Character Names" here: https://neko-maoh-games.wixsite.com/home/post/who-are-these-people-character-names
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