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Who Are These People? Character Names

Writer's picture: Jaimie DouglasJaimie Douglas

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

I just wanted to come in here and say that I realize that there are several names that pop up while we film that anyone who doesn't know about our previous campaigns wouldn't recognize. And since we don't want people to be confused about who these people are and what are these names, I'm here to fill you in. I'll try not to put too much information here, but I want to put what I think will be needed. Read as much as you want and check back later if you hear a name you don't know. Most, if not all of these characters are either players or NPC's from the last campaign (with a few that showed up before), but I will specify if they are not and may add some to this list later if I hear them mentioned and I realize they aren't in here.

For links to the synopsis of the two campaigns here that these characters are from, The Apex Adventurers campaign and the War Against Heaven campaign, scroll to the bottom of this blog post.

The Apex Adventurers Characters

Mist is a character that was played by me. He is a Catfolk cat burglar/assassin/hunter who knew Gwyneira, then known as Emily, and did what he could to help save her. He is 3 ft tall and looks like a gray Maine Coon cat. He wielded a tri-barrel handgun and was also known as Orc's Bane.

Kav is a character that was played by Zac. He is Worgen berserker/barbarian who is quite tall and has burgundy colored fur with some patches that look darker red, like blood. He used to be Half Elf/Half Human, but was bitten by a wolf that turned him into a Worgen. He used a large axe called Sunflower to fight. He is also Felix's nephew. Kav's human name was Vak Kohetsu. He fought with his father upon the death of his mother and the two were at adds. Kav came back to the city later and killed his father with the help of the group.

Ezmund is a character that was played by Nick. He is a fire Primal (Genasi) warden/spiritsworn. He used a flaming sword to fight and is Nick's original character from the campaign. What is the 6 seconds? It's a joke we made about Ezmund that started because he can only light his fire (on his sword I believe) for 6 seconds and it turned into a sex joke.

Nakii is a character that was also played by Nick. She is a Tiefling bard who played a violin in order to help her allies. She is Nick's second character and joined the campaign a month or two in. She was horrible at seduction, and generally used a dagger to fight if she was even doing so. Xander met Nakii, so you may hear her name from him. We also had a joke about Nakii who would be in the front and get more damage than she should, so we came up with a "Nakii" of health, which was around 74 hp.

Kara was played by Nick's fiancé Stephanie. She is a Valkyrie witch with white wings who utterly terrified Kav on one of their first encounters. She liked to summon a snake familiar and blind others with her daylight spell. Steph is not joining us for this campaign due to time constraints with work. Xander met Kara, so you may hear her name from him, or talk of a Valkyrie that he met before.

Woord'n was played by my older sibling Liz. They are an Awakened Stuffed Animal shaped like a red panda, and are a raven sworn. This class was combined into the Hero class and doesn't really exist in the game anymore. They summoned a raven name Rashii, who is a female, to scout ahead while they jumped to the front to help fight. Woord'n and Kav frequently teamed up for combo attacks and Woord'n fought with an evil sword that they found called Black Razor. Liz is not currently playing due to time constraints.

Kosiku was a character played by Nate. See Characters from Both Campaigns section for more information.

Ferchick was played by Jenn. She is a Faerie sword mage, another class that doesn't exist anymore I believe. Jenn had to stop playing part of the way through the campaign because her partner, Rylee, got a job that he had to drive for and the two of them couldn't make it to the Wednesday campaign.

Reiner was played by Rylee. He is Dwarf warlord who often bolstered us giving us bonuses and debuffed the enemies by screaming. Rylee had to stop playing with us because of work and is the partner of Jenn.

Screel was a character played by Nate before he played Kosiku. He was a flamboyant Fae-Touched Tiefling which is a race that doesn't exist anymore, and he triple classed as a sorcerer/cleric/warlock. Raquel taught him how to do magic and when he left our party he went back to working with her. He and Kav liked to tease each other so you may hear Zac/Felix talk about him.

Lord Belier is an NPC who was lord of the city of Yawato. He was causing issues and brainwashing the populace wo we dethroned and killed him.

Shawn Belier was an NPC and was someone who came along. He led us to believed that he was Lord Belier’s son and he looked the part. He wanted the throne and claimed to be a druid. We put him on the throne and it turned out that he was actually part of the curse to bring about the end of Wardenia. We stopped the curse and killed him as well.

Raquel was an NPC who was a Half-Elf sorcerer that used to work for the Belier's before they did her wrong. We helped save her and befriended her. She trained Screel. You may hear mention of her sometime, but not from anyone specific.

Voorhiz was an NPC who was a Dark Elf Barbarian/Monk who worked with Raquel helping out the throne and had a romance with Kav, so again, you may hear Zac talk about her.

Jalen was a female Gnome advisor to the crown who also secretly worked with the Hood.

Jaspar was a male Dwarf Cleric who was the religious leader of Yawato as well as religious advisor to Lord Belier. He was the kind to always follow the rule of the leaders, even when it made him do terrible things. We ended up fighting and killing him, with the help of Kosiku, who gave the religious leader position over to Jaspar.

Meyoshi was a male human blacksmith from the inner circle of Yawato. He was a notorious cheapskate who sold very flashy armor. We later killed him and felt no regrets over doing so.

Harikari was a human female blacksmith that we befriended. She worked in the lower distracts of Yawato and had a beef with Meyoshi. She used salamanders to run her forge.

Davork was an NPC that owned Davork’s (and Kav’s) Magical Menagerie. He is a gnome shopkeeper and originally owned the shop by himself, but Kav bought in and now the two of them own the store together. Again, Zac would likely be the one to bring this up.

The Hood is one of three criminal syndicates throughout Wardenia. They often joined forces with the Apex adventurers. Lucas was the member of the group that the Apex Adventurers met with for their assistance.

Characters in Both Campaigns

Kosiku was a character played by Nate. He is a Fae-Touched/Vampire (long tooth shifter) priest/avenger that Nate has played multiple times. He was 14 years old in my first campaign that I ever played and only an avenger. He was critically wounded at some point and had to be turned into a Vampire by our friend, Lilith, in order to survive. He was able to stop being a vampire and became a priest, and then met up with our party (Mist, Kav, Nakii, Ezmund, Kara, and Woord'n). He eventually was turned back into a Vampire when Black Razor started to release a demon and he tried to stop it and was killed. Since Lilith is the one who originally turned him, she is sort of his mother in a way and is often referred to as such. Was originally from the War Against Heaven Campaign, and joined the Apex Adventurers.

Lilith was a character played back in my first campaign by our friend Sarah. She was a Vampire Elementalist focusing on water and through our adventuring, seduced Satan and eventually married him. She had all of Hell's army on her side as well as a village that originally had an army powerful enough to burn the world to the ground, twice. She was originally a part of the War Against Heaven Campaign, and showed up again in the Apex Adventurers Campaign.

Jeroh was a character played by Nate who was originally in my first campaign, where he joined our group at the behest of Satan to help fight the God Called God. He joined us in the Apex Adventurers, when we went to Hell. He joined us to fight the Pit Fiend, and followed us he until the end when he returned to Hell. He was originally part of the War on Heaven campaign and joined the Apex Adventurers.

Satan is of course the leader of Hell. He was befriended by the group of the War on Heaven campaign, getting bluffed by Khatriana and falling in love with Lilith to later become her lover. He helped us a much as he could in the War on Heaven. He was also a part of the the Apex Adventurer campaign, where we met with him and Lilith to get their help fighting the pit demon, Jaz-Kordik.

The War on Heaven Campaign Characters

Lavi was a character played by Liz during my first campaign. She was an Elf assassin. Both Lavi and Lilith trained Gwyneira to accept her shadow magic. Part of the War Against Heaven campaign.

Khatriana was a character played by myself in my very first campaign. She was a a Dragon Spawn warden who was the general of Lilith's armies as well as allied with the god Kord, who helped in their war against the heavens. Part of the War Against Heaven Campaign.

Sprocket was a character also in the original campaign that was played by Perske. He was a Awakened Automaton engineer, which is a class that hasn't existed since that campaign. He made and threw bombs. Sprocket joined the team a year into the campaign that had Lilith, Lavi, Khatriana, Kosiku, and Artimious (who is a part of the Library of Taba group). Part of the War Against Heaven Campaign

Valira was a half elf woman with shadow magic and psionic abilities. She was taken in by Lavi, but when she started doing evil things, she was stabbed and killed. It's been a while so we don't quite remember who killed her, but we believe it was Khatriana. Valira is a companion character that was played by Nate. She was part of the War Against Heaven Campaign.

For a synopsis of the War Against Heaven campaign, check our blog here:

For a synopsis of the Apex Adventurers campaign, check our blog here:

I hope this helped clear up some confusion you may have had while watching our videos. If you haven't watched them yet, check out our YouTube Channel and I hope you enjoy.

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