(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)
Day 24 3/22/2023
Episode 38
The Island in the Sky
We fight the floating skeleton head. We win using radiant energy. We stand alone in the courtyard, when we hear clapping. Looking up, past the fountain are stairs that lead up to the building in front of it. Walking down the stairs, slow clapping, is a man. The sword hanging off his hip and the staff off his back, and the crown on his head are familiar. He reaches the courtyard, and tells us well done for clearing out some of the miasma. He then welcomes us to his home, the city of Vulkaria. He doesn’t need anything else to die to take over the island. He says there is one last thing that needs to be done to sever the connection between Vulkus and Xander. This city needs to be set adrift as it’s still too connected to Vulkus.
Xander asks if the killing of the shadow beings is also letting Vulkus through, and a female voice says yes. Walking up from where we came, is Vulkus. She decided that direct intervention is necessary. She continues moving toward Xander saying he is conflicted and she wants to know why. Vulkus touches Xander and touches his shoulder, and seduces Xander. Idham takes the staff from Xander. Xander goes to move and Vulkus appears behind him. Gwyneira moves next to Zerutan to ask how to set the island free. He tells us there is an orb that we need to destroy and points us to it. Gwyneira and Felix start trying to head toward the orb. Gwyneira has her scorpion try to rub against Xander like a house cat, and Vulkus pokes it with a pinky and destroys it. Xander freaks out and jumps away from Vulkus. Idham and Gwyneira rush toward the orb while Felix stays put to assess what is happening and try to come up with a plan. Vulkus reaches toward Xander who leans away. She says she would give him the whole world. As Idham and Gwyneira get ready to enter the building the island starts to shake and then starts to tilt. We seem to be falling. Idham and Gwyneira get to the level with the orb and see there are also constructs that are moving around. As we glance around, there are four additional corridors and a large entranceway to the south. Speaking into our heads is Zerutan, and he says that they’ve taken out the control consoles that keep this place afloat. We could get through one more but should try to keep as many up as we can. Raya shows up with us as well.
Up top, Xander doesn’t know what to do. Felix leans to Az and asks him what the plan is, and Azazel says he doesn’t have one but wants to know if they are deity killing. Felix decides he does have a plan to attempt to take Vulkus to the shadow school and wants Az to help get Xander away. Xander attempts to smooth talk Vulkus. He gets up next to her, grabs her hands, and says she can give him the world and tries to give her a smoldering look. Az unfurls his wings, and attempts to full dash and grab Xander and pull him away from Vulkus, and succeeds. Felix shadow reaches to grab Vulkus where he attempts to pull her to the shadow school. The world swirls and fades around Felix as he begins the teleport.
Idham, Gwyneira, and Raya all fight the constructs, easily taking them out, and trying to dish out damage to the orb. Felix finds himself in the world of the shadow school. Fifteen feet away from him, he sees Vulkus. She’s holding Felix’s left metal arm. Felix leaves and returns seconds after he leaves. As he looks up, he sees Vulkus still holding his arm. She looks at the arm, says she made it, and lets it go so it pops back over to Felix and slams back into place, and his skin grows back over the top part. Felix shouts at Az to get Xander out. Az abouts face as soon as they leave, and flies right back the way they came, still holding Xander. When Vulkus and Felix get back, Az and Xander are back in the area. Az pauses long enough to leave Xander next to Zerutan and books it right back to Vulkus right as she lets Felix’s arm back. And he draws his longsword and he swings, cutting off her head which then reforms. Felix tries to summon Gerebor to come and bring an intimidating presence. He thinks a message has been received. Vulkus looks at the staff and says she made it. Felix attacks Vulkus, but misses. Zerutan draws his sword and pushes Xander behind him. Xander does fully believe Zerutan now and asks to use the staff. Zerutan hands it over to him. Kav comes flying down from the sky and lands on the ground with his bastard sword and his ax, swinging them right where Vulkus is. A female dark elf leaps off of Kav’s back, Voorhiz, and tells them to go down below and help their friends. Az, Felix, and Xander all head to help, and Zerutan also teleports.
See some names or information you don't know about, check out our other blog post "Who Are These People? Character Names" here: https://neko-maoh-games.wixsite.com/home/post/who-are-these-people-character-names
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