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What's Going on? The First Campaign: The War Against Heaven

Jaimie and Nate Douglas

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

The world of Runner's Fortune is one that is quite intermixed with the previous campaigns that Nate and I have done. In order to help some of the confusion, we decided to give a description of what happened, as much as we can remember anyway, to help people stay in the loop. This is the First Campaign I was a part of, The War Against Heaven. There are a few details that came from earlier things that Nate did, but it isn't important to the over plot. I hope you enjoy.

The War Against Heaven

The campaign starts as the group meets in the forest. Lavi - an elven rogue, Lilith - a Vampire Water Elementalist, Khatriana - a Red Dragonborn Warden, Kosiku - a Fae Touched Avenger, Artimious - an Elven ranger, and Valira - a half elf Warlock. We became acquainted with each other, and found we were all headed in the same direction. When we left the forest, we came across a city where we stayed the night. This was when we found out that this city is the city that razed the world to the ground, twice. Some of our group was captured and we went to save them, coming across a Dwarf who was known as The Protector. The Protector was not a good man as he had women trapped in cages and was uses them for his own purposes, so we decided to kill him. Kosiku got the death blow, stabbing the Protector up and into the ceiling, getting drenched in his blood. Kosiku got some of the blood in his mouth and started going a little crazy. Realizing that it was from the blood, Lilith removed the blood using her magic and consumed it, taking on the new role of the Protector. Lavi took in and saved Mirasa, a Tiefling that had been held capture by the old protector.

After that, with Lilith having the role of Protector, we went to a underground vault that the city had created to keep their war making tools and goods from the battles. Outside of the vault, Valira turned on the group, because she demanded we should worship her Master, and became hostile. A fight ensued and Valira was killed, probably by Khatriana, but we don't know for sure (it's been so long). We then went into the vault, and we found Dashkun, a Dwarven Rune Priest, blinded and locked up here by the last protector. We took him into our party, having lost Valira. We came across a trapped hallway. Lavi attempted to a full group, way out of range Fae Step to get us across, and it failed horribly, landing us in the Fae Land. We followed a path, trying to figure out where to go, ending up in Corellon's Temple. Long story short, Lavi tried to Fae Step and ended up in the Fae World capital, meeting Sandrano, who is King of the Fae Land, and mentioned she was teamed up with Artimious, so Sandrano came with us as they had been his best friend. The rest of the group was separated as well, and Khatriana and Kosiku ended up going off together, trying to find their way back to the group. A trap door skewered Kosiku, who was 14 at the time, almost killing him. Khatriana was able to make it back to the group with Kosiku in tow, where Lilith turned him into a vampire to save his life. Sandrano attempted to save someone, and overexerted himself in his old age, and died. We struggled through the temple and finally ended up somehow getting out, and went back to the capital. We told them of Sandrano's death.

The second in command was evil, and contracted with Satan to have Jeroh, a fallen Angel, come to kill us. Jeroh killed Artimious and Dashkun. Artimious turned into a tree upon death, this being the second time that he had been treeafied. But we convinced Jeroh to join our side after that and got him to kill the second in command, which left a power gap. We had Sandrano's crown, so Lavi became the acting regent of the Fae Land. Khatriana became Lavi's battle master for the Fae army. We then left the Fae Land.

After that, the group had a couple more adventures, Mirasa was killed and not revived. Jeroh died and Khatriana bluffed the devil to resurrect him. That was when Lilith and Satan started crushing on each other. We came across Sprocket, a Metal Automaton Bomb Maker. Lilith became a vampire queen of a notable swarm. Jeroh took us to the Ho-tel, for one reason or another, and that's when Artimious came back to kill us all, resurrected by The God Called God, who was mad at us because we killed his son, the last Protector. We all defeated but were able to not kill Artimious, fixed his mind, and he rejoined our group. The group decided they were done with the meddling of the God Called God, and decided to try and to do something about it. We spent a little bit of time at the Ho-tel, finding that a Sprocket from the future is running it. He told the group of a powerful giantess that they should seek out. We left the Ho-tel.

We saved the giantess from a group of assassins, and she granted each of us a wish. We made our way to the devil and convinced him to lead the fight against The God Called God. We all collected our armies from the Fae Land, Hell, the city that razed the world, and Lilith's vampire coven. We then beseeched our deities to help, but only Khatriana's said he would. Kord, though he had given the God Called God his armies, decided to assist Khatriana's group by holding back half of the army. We all assembled on the battle field, fighting against the God Called God, and we won. Lilith went to Hell to live with Satan. Lavi took over Fae Land. Sprocket did Sprocket stuff. Jeroh went back to Satan. Artimious wandered, causing all kinds of problems across the lands. Kosiku went with Lilith for a while. Khatriana took over the city that razed the world twice. It's been just under 2000 years, and that is when the Pillars of Sypetia campaign begins. The end.

For a basic list of the characters, check out this blog post :

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