(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)
Day 7 1/10/2024
Episode 9
We run over to Ollie, and he stops, grabbing his arm and panting. He asks if we want the good or the bad news first. Kav takes off his ring of regeneration and puts it on Ollie’s finger. He then bandages Ollie’s arm. Kav gives Ollie ale and cheese and asks the kid for the good news first. He says he found where the guy lives and made it inside and down to the basement, which was larger than he thought it would be. And the good news is he can get us to where the guy lives. The bad news is it’s not just him. There’s 80 of them. Most of them were dwarves that were smithing and mining. We don’t know for sure if there were actually 80 people.
We head to the Wandering Ring with Ollie, wanting to get him off the street. We all go in and the first thing we notice is very strong incense. Gwyneira has been in enough fancier places to be accustomed to this and knows this scent is Myrrh. The shop is barren with only a small table, and the shop itself is quite small. The back wall has a doorway with a purple curtain across, and there are four incense burners that are all lit. In the middle of the room is the wooden table with a purple cloth over the top and a golden item holder sitting on it. Kav calls out and a woman’s voice greets us. She sells items, buys, gives information, does fortunes, etc. Kav wants a fortune read. The smoke swirls and envelops Kav. A small box appears above the small table and out comes a set of bones with runes and markings on them and they drop onto the item stand. Two minutes pass and the smoke moves away.
Kav’s Future
She says Kav’s future is surprisingly less interesting than his past. His future, he will never see the stars again. His love will last and so will hers (Voorhiz). She sees children in his future. He will survive this, but his family will not, though that’s not quite true. Not his entire family, but his uncle, will not see another birthday. Kav will see it though and ensure that he doesn’t see another birthday. The quest he’s on will succeed but it may not give him the ultimate thing he’s looking for. Also, clad as we are right now, we won’t make it, she’s too powerful for that, but we really should watch out for him. That is all she can see. Kav gets up and walks out.
Gwyneira asks why she was sent here, and the answer is many reasons. She does seem to be somebody that could benefit from being here. Her fortune would be more costly than Kav’s, as it would be more difficult. Also, she has things that she procures, both information and items that cost a great deal of money and if he sent Gwyn, then the money in her pocket was more than he could swindle Gwyn out of. She asks what Gwyneira is interested in, and not sure, she says all of the above. The smoke grows stronger. Outside, Kav summons a spectral hawk and pets it. Casper leaves the shop and joins Kav. Mist stays inside with Gwyneira. Casper sits next to Kav. Mist studies the room, looking for the woman, thinking that she isn’t here and is talking to us through the smoke. There is very potent magic going on, between the smoke and the dragon bones, but Mist isn’t sure exactly what. Kav is using the bird to scout. Kav sees a temple, unmarked, about 30 minutes away, that he wants to check out. He has the bird come back so that he can lead the group to Kav if we come out before he comes back. Casper decides to follow Kav.
Gwyneira’s Future
She asks what Gwyneira wants first, and she replies fortune. It costs 30 gold. The smoke envelops Gwyneira and is tight around her, almost pulling the air out of her. The bones lift and drop. 15 minutes pass and the smoke recedes. She says she has read Gwyn’s future, sounding quite tired. She says her condolences on Gwyneira’s past, no one should have to endure that. And that makes this even harder, as Gwyneira isn’t done yet. She will be faced with an extremely difficult choice. On one hand, both sides will require a betrayal. On one side, Gwyn will betray her, and on the other, Gwyn will betray him. There will never come a day where there are no more slaves. Gwyn’s legacy will pass down, and will transcend the times. It’s so challenging because the future that is centered around Gwyn that her friends are a part of, she can’t do it without them, and if she tries she will die. The future wouldn’t exist and the past would be rewritten. If Gwyn should forsake her friends, she will die and fail. In doing so, the pup will never see the stars. When she’s faced with the choice of betrayal, if she doesn’t choose one, that too will unwrite that past. In doing so, millions will die. She will have to choose which to betray when the time comes. There is one other thing that she can say, beware the black lady. Gwyn requires her, she must be with her at the time of her betrayal and she will be. But at the same time, beware and be cautious of her. She could do a divination for more information but she is too tired now. Gwyn asks if she has an item that could be useful on her quest, and she says yes but not here and now. There will be a time when Gwyneira should come back, not tomorrow, but in a month, once we have met the painted one, then she will be ready for Gwyneira then.
The woman tells Mist for free to not hold it against Gwyneira, she follows her heart. Be kind.
She says her name is Samira. The smoke lightens and we depart. When Mist and Gwyneira leave, the bird flutters around and tells us to follow. We follow.
Episode 10
Kav tries to lose Casper and succeeds. He speeds up and though Casper can’t see Kav, he blink steps forward and ends up right next to him. They keep going and Kav starts jogging. The two of them arrive. It is a plain temple and it’s completely unmarked. Kav walks in and there’s probably a dozen rows of pews in different directions. On the walls are shrines to all the major deities to all but Sypet. Kav goes over to the shrine of Maris. Kav focuses on the pulsing feeling in his chest, and asks if it’s the right path. The response is it doesn’t matter, it’s the only path as all paths will bring him back to this one. He asks if the sparrow has made itself known and the response is not yet. He asks if his family is safe, and the response is no one is ever truly safe, but two are in more peril than most. Kav sits for five more minutes in silence.
Casper meditates to try to speak to the Sparrow Mother. He does get a touch of feeling, so he reaches out. She replies and so he asks about Sypet. Getting rid of the pillar on the island was weakening Sypet, and she says he’s one step closer to his goal. He says it might be too much but does she know if one is near or if she can give some direction. She says Sypet’s power is too great over this land. He thanks her and ends the connection. They just sit there.
Gwyneira and Mist arrive at the temple and the hawk comes over to Kav. Kav meets us outside. Casper follows as well. Kav has his bird keep an eye out for Kristibon while we head to the Leaky Stool. It looks like the name entails. We head in and there’s a table with eight kids sitting at it. Kav pulls up a chair. Random kid says “took you long enough.” A few of the kids saw him in a few places. Twenty minutes ago, he was at an inn straight up the street due west, so Kav sends his bird, Snarf, to keep an eye on him. Kav tells them to go back out. They finish their drinks and head back out.
Kav goes up to the bartender. He gets ten drinks and comes back to the table. He gives Casper, Gwyneira, and Mist drinks and takes the other seven for himself. Kav pulls out the charcuterie board and some cheese and stuff and we talk. As we chat, we see the door open twice and people come in, and there was definitely a third time that someone came in that we didn’t notice, but there are four dwarves covered in grime and muck sitting at a table. Mist gets stealthy and gets close to the dwarves. Kav makes a dumbass comment about his cat missing, so the dwarves look around for the cat, but they don’t find him and go back to the table. They start talking, with Mist now under the table. They think he’s a pain to work for and why do they work for him? Because he ate 7 of them last week. They say they’re gonna keep doing it. They have another caravan next week with more help, thirty coming to help. Maybe once they get enough boys, maybe they can get some girls. He doesn’t pay them enough for the brothels. They could just take one of the pieces, it would be a nice payment. They could take one and pass it off to one of the caravan’s heading out of town. How many could they take? They could each take two. They got to be worth 8 or 10 easy. Maybe they could just get out but they should play it smart, and start stockpiling, or maybe not but if they each make two pieces go missing a week then they could start to sell them off, maybe even the first one or two with the next caravan in. They could maybe sell it cheap to bring their buddies in so they can get them out of town. A steel vat was shattered by him so they don’t want him to be angry. They’ll get the money then hire some people to get rid of him themselves and then keep the whole thing for themselves. They get more booze. Mist studies them and sees dirt, ash, and soot as well as smelling dirt and grime, fire and smoke, all things associated with an underground forge or smelting facility. Not really a cave probably, but underground. They’re probably not miners. Mist chills for a minute, but when the conversation turns uninteresting, Mist returns to the table and tells his group what he heard.
Mist and Gwyneira notice the door open again. They see, crouching as they enter, a twelve foot tall black worgen with graying hair and an eyepatch on his left eye. He looks around and he walks over to the dwarves. He says “lunch”, and they reply. He steps away from the table and sits in the seat across from Kav. He asks Kav if he’ll take another round of drinks. He gets three drinks since Gwyneira declined and Mist pretends to be a cat. He says “To good health.” He knows we’re looking for him and says here he is. Kav says he hears he has work. Kristibon knows that we took the contract on him. Kav says the kid is off limits and Kristibon turns to the dwarves and starts asking questions about it. They say they have 53 down there now. He seems very upset over this all and he kills the 4 dwarves, so there’s now 49. He comes back to the table and gets more ale for us. He invites us to see his place. He says to come meet him after sundown so we can see exactly what Ollie came to see. He says he’ll see us later and he leaves. Kav has Snarf follow Kristibon.
Gwyneira asks the bartender about Krisitbon. He says he leaves too much trash. But he does pay him to take care of the trash. He only ever seems to kill the dwarves here and doesn’t come in or leave drunk. He’s had worse patrons. None of the patrons will talk to us about Kristibon. We plan to go to other taverns and ask the common consensus and maybe talk to some guards before the afternoon is over.
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