(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)
Day 6 1/18/2024
Episode 6
Mountains of Esce
We get up the next morning and the people in the camp are already starting to strike their tents. We eat our quick food and put our things away as well. We go to talk with Sandrano, Artimious, and Plores. Sandrano is out and walking, though he does still appear quite weak. Exxriit gives him and Ari some catnip tea. Exxriit looks around at the plants to see if they have any healing properties. They see one that they don’t recognize but have the intuition that it is helpful in the treatment of infections and wounds. Artimious recognizes it as some kind of elf’s root. Maruti goes off to look for some animals. He sees some rabbits and then birds.
We split up and ask around the camp if anyone has seen the mountain without trees. Maruti and Exxriit look around for anyone sketchy, and they see a family of four dwarves who look extra nervous. Exxriit walks up to them and starts chatting. The dad and kids keep striking the tent and the mom, who is pregnant, turns to talk to them. Her name is Marla. They’re here because their farm was burnt down. Maruti walks up in an official fashion and addresses the father dwarf, tells him he needs to come with him, and starts pulling him toward Sandrano. The dwarf resists, but Maruti is able to drag him along and drags him into the trees. Maruti questions the dwarf. He wants to know why the dwarf was looking off into the forest, and the guy says nothing. But he can tell he’s lying. But he does bring the dad back.
Rowan and Ari ask around the group to see if anyone knows about the mountain. We are just about to start heading back to the meeting point, defeated, when a young human man in his late teens with a bow on his back, in tattered outdoor garb, comes running up to us. He says he heard we’re looking for Bald Peak. It’s a mountain with a flat top and no trees. There used to be a military camp up there, but a drake moved in. The drake moved in around 12 or 13 years ago. It is likely still there, but we don’t know for sure. He pulls off his belt pouch and pulls out a map that he created when he went hunting. He points to where we are on the map, and though the map is crude, it shows a good route to the mountain. He gives it to us saying he doesn’t need it anymore. Ari gives him a hug. Ari takes the map and we head to the meeting point.
We meet up again and show off the map. Camp is now all struck and they are ready to head out. We head to meet Sandrano and tell him where we need to go. None of them have heard of this mountain. So, we tell him that there is a drake there, and his face pales. Most of the time, it takes a whole army to kill these. We tell him that we want to scout ahead and see if it’s still there or not before we change the plan like he wants us to. Both Sandrano and Plores can speak Draconic, which the dragon speaks. Sandrano tells Plores to come with us. He says he can’t let us go empty handed and shuffles over to the wagon where he pulls out a box, a larger box. Plores tells Ari that the wand that she was given is actually a Wand of Icy Rays. Exxriit gets a magical stone. He gives Maruti a pair of gauntlets, they are actually a holy symbol called the Balancing Totem. They can be used to heal allies. And he gives Rowan a Legendary Frying Pan.
Realizing we never asked how far it is or what his name is, we find the kid. He says at a good pace it will take until tomorrow morning. The caravan with the wagon and the hill will likely get there the morning or night after tomorrow. His name is Kaledon. We ask if he will help lead the caravan, and he says he will be honored. We introduce ourselves and lead him up to the front of the caravan and introduce him. We leave the camp and head toward Bald Peak.
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