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Ripped From the World: An Isekai Story - Episode 2 Synopsis

Writer's picture: Jaimie DouglasJaimie Douglas

(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)

Day 2 10/12/2023

Episode 2

Esce, Road

As we travel the wagon, the elf says he’s planning to take us to his camp where the rest of his friends are. It isn’t too far. When we ask about his friends, he says they are an assortment of people who have been poorly treated by the current governing body. They aren’t quite rebels though. We want to know how he found us, and he says he knew where to look because he saw us fall from the portal. Still in the dark, we ask him about what languages we are speaking and, confused about how we don't know what lineage we have and what we are speaking, he informs each of us. Jake asks for food and the elf opens a container that Jake can eat from. We snack a little and talk to him where we’re from, which is the Denver metro area. He has no idea what we are talking about. River asks where we are, and he tells us that we are in an area called Ecse. Rowan asks who this guy is, and informs us that he is Sandrano. Jake says he is no longer Jake, but that he is Maruti because that name feels right, so we call him Maruti. We come to find that we are in a different year. It's the year 636 of the third age, he says. He gives his condolences that we landed is Ecse. A few years ago, the ruling family was ousted and the prince murdered. The rest of the royal family might be imprisoned, but he is unsure. Things were taken over in a military coup. Sandrano asks if he can use a spell on us that would allow us all to understand him. We believe he means no harm so we agree. He casts the spell, starting with Rowan. She understands what he is saying as he casts the spell on River next, and then Maruti, and then Ari. 

Esce, Camp

Sandrano begins the wagon again, and we go off the path and into the forest. After about half an hour, he slows and pulls it to a stop. We abandon the wagon a bit from the camp, and help Sandrano carry stuff for a few minutes until we reach a clearing where we see a scattering of tents, lean-tos, shelters, and so on that are set up in some kind of semblance of a camp. As we arrive, a few of the people come over and offer to take the crates the rest of the way. We hand them off. Sandrano asks if we want to rest immediately or wait until night. We decide to wait until night, wanting to know more about this place. Sandrano says that dinner will be prepared in a few hours, and we are welcome to join. It’s unlikely that the military is actively hunting us at the moment, but he will keep our situation mostly to himself, just telling others we are fugitives from the law. He’ll see us at dinner hopefully. He bows to us, and it is a very proper and polite bow. He bows again and takes his leave.

For the next few hours, Ari wanders among the people. She gets the feeling that they are slightly cautious of newcomers, but willing to accept her and that they have been ousted and pushed away. There are only four children out of the fifteen or so people there. Rowan plays with her weapons, seeing if she can use them seeing she’s never touched weapons before we arrived here. What she finds is that it all feels natural and she can do forms and stances she had no idea she knew. River tries to talk to their snake, and they just stare back. So River just reaches out and lets the snake be close to them, then chills with their snake. Maruti goes to look around the camp to see what people look like. He finds there’s a vast assembly of different beings. Some look human, some elfs, one looks to be made of clouds and lightning, one that looks like a small dragon, and a couple that are dwarves, and a couple he can’t place. He finds that the general vibe is that these are people working to survive and not much else. Maruti goes up to the cloud and lightning guy and asks what he is. The guy says that’s rude and he’s a storm primal. 

Time passes and we head off to join the dinner. More have come back from whatever they were doing, hunting, gathering, getting supplies, whatever, and the camp is getting larger in size. Everyone gathers near a large fire pit and we join in. There are now about 50 people. The fire pit is going with a few animals, there are vegetables roasting, and fruits are being mashed. The animals look similar, but not quite what we are expecting from what we have on Earth. Same with the fruits and vegetables. We grab some food, and only after everyone else has grabbed stuff, does Sandrano grab anything. He raises a hand, creating a cracking sound, and everyone looks at him. He says to keep eating but he wants to welcome Rowan, Ari, River, and Maruti who were taken by the military and fought back bravely to escape. He greets us and gives us an introduction before telling everyone to go back to what they were doing. We eat some food, and notice people going up for seconds, so we know we can if we want to. The fire dies down and people begin separating. We set up our tents close to each other as well as our bedrolls, and settle in for the evening.

A song begins from over near where the fire was as we settle in. It’s in an unfamiliar language, in a male voice. It’s beautiful and haunting and seemingly lamenting, that echoes about the tents. We all go to investigate, heading toward the fire pit that is burnt to its embers. The sun has set and it is night time. The stars are out and this is more stars than we’ve ever seen out before. As we arrive, we see the four children laying around the fire, and Sandrando and two other elves are walking around them, tucking them in as Sandrano sings this song. The other elves are following him, a few steps behind him. Sandrano doesn’t have his sword on him, but the other two, one has a bow on his back and two swords at his waist and the other has a magical staff strapped to his back. Sandrano kneels before the children, finishes his song, bows to each child, and then he mutters something though we can’t hear. Maruti and River see a barely shimmering canopy form above the children. It appears to be a magical shelter. Sandrano stands, seemingly doesn’t notice us, walks to the other side of the fire, and sits to stare into the embers. The two others just stand behind him. Sandrano seems forlorn and lost in thought. Ari sits near him. Rowan follows Ari, and then Maruti who asks why he looks after these kids. Sandrano says that all kids need to be watched and cared for. River asks what happened to their parents, but Sandrano doesn’t know for sure. Some may be dead and some may still be living at home in fear, but their parents aren’t here, so he will watch over them. 

The first kid, she’s a bit furry with brown ears, he found her being chased by soldiers. She still doesn’t talk. The second, a boy, was found in the stockade after stealing a loaf of bread. The other two he didn’t find, but their stories are similar. He says the current regime is very stuck on the law. There were problems with the current royal family or there would have been a coup, but he spent too long away to know what life was like in the years prior to the new regime. We talk about the state of things. Ari asks Sandrano if he is a part of the royal family, and he says it’s not common knowledge and there are too many secrets. His time away taught him the value of having secrets but also the problems that too many secrets can give rise to. He says when the rest of his family was enslaved and his twin brother killed, he made the choice to always answer every question that is posed to him. He is Prince Sandrano, the younger twin and now the heir to the throne of Ecse. Sandrano says while he would love to sever the head of the man who killed his brother, it isn’t his place to decide as he has been gone many years, most of his life. Ari asks where he went, and he said it was very complicated and as the younger twin he was exiled and spent most of his life elsewhere, and only recently returned. He is leaving it to the people of what he should do next. Sandrano says that our existence and assistance might change things. Ari says we’ll sleep on it and come back tomorrow. River asks who the two are, and one is Artimious who is kind of ghost-like but not a ghost and only who is OCD, and the other Plores. We return to our tents and sleep through the night.

The smell of chemicals and bleach hits our nose. We hear people and beeping and a cacophony of noises. We open our eyes as we open eyes to see that we are being wheeled through hallways on gurneys. They seem to be talking in a language we don’t understand. Maruti asks what’s going on and they say something he doesn’t understand. When he tries to look at his body, he realizes he’s strapped in. We are all there in the same hallway. We can shift our heads and see each other a bit. Ari sees that they look like themselves, but are in full white hospital gowns. There are signs on the walls, and while we recognize the letters, the words don’t make sense. One sign is green with white letters that says “Exit” but we don’t know what that means. We are turned down a corner and masks are fitted to our faces and our eyes close, and the world goes black.

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