Time for another mini figure. This one looks like she might be dancing, or she could just be posing in a sexy way. Who knows. It depends on what kind of back story she might have though she doesn't currently have one of course. She's another one of the mini figures that I painted just so it was bare, and let me tell you, I didn't realize how much skin was showing until I decided to paint it and took a good look. You'll see what I mean when you look at the picture. I hope you like how she came out.

For this mini figure, I would say there are a wide range of classes she could be. With a sword and a staff, she could be any number of magic users, but I could also see her being a bard with how much skin she's showing and she looks ready to start dancing in my opinion. You can see the amount of skin with her stomach and leg showing. That wasn't very visible when it had no color on it. I could have made them fabric if I wanted, but I decided not to. You can see she has painted lips, and though it's hard to tell with this picture, she has brown eyes.

I decided to give her purple and pink clothing because I had yet to use the pink and she seemed like a good mini to use it on. And the purple cloak fit very well with the pink outfit. I also added some yellow detail along the bottom of the cloak that wasn't there and made the ribbon in the center of the top yellow to give it more color. There are a few other spots that are yellow, but they aren't as easy to see. I made the stone on her staff red because I didn't want to have more purple or pink on this mini as I thought it would be too much, but red was a good compliment to the other colors.

For her skin, I decided to use the tan flesh tone again because she just gave me the vibe of someone who spent a lot of time in the sun. And along with the brown hair, I really like how it came out looking. I think the colors ended up working well together and the mini came out looking the way I wanted it too.
The only thing that I wanted to put on this mini, but wasn't able to was actually tattoos. I wanted to give her a tattoo on her stomach and one on her leg, but I couldn't quite figure out what to make it look and how to paint it properly, so she ended up without them. I still really like how she came out, and I hope you like it too. If you like content like this, keep coming back to this blog, I plan to share a lot more. And if you like TTRPG's and haven't yet, check out our YouTube channel, Neko-Maoh Games, as well as our Facebook page of the same name, and Instagram @nekomaohgames.
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