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What a Boar

Haha, it's a boar pun. (Sorry, I love puns and couldn't help myself) Yes, the next mini figure I painted is a boar, but there's a bit more to it than that. My character Gwyneira, if you saw in the post about her, has a capybara named Ringo (Japanese for apple, not the singer from the Beatles) that is her traveling companion. But the thing is, you can't really buy a capybara mini figure like you can for a cat, or a boar. Needing it as soon as possible, we decided to just take a mini figure that would look the most like a capybara when scene from above, and we decided on the boar. So, here is the boar/capybara mini figure.

There really isn't much to say that hasn't already been said, so here's the right side of the figure. I didn't do anything really fancy with the eyes or the mouth since I wasn't sure of my skills at the time.

Here's the boar from the front. The colors were picked to look similar to a capybara, but they do also work nicely for a boar as well. I figured that this way we could use it for either if need be.

And here is the boar's left side. There really isn't much about this that makes it unique. Really, if I were to paint more, I would paint them all similarly.

And the boar from behind, because why not. I decided to put grass underneath because I thought it looked the best and gave the mini some color where the rest of it is just various shades of brown and black.

And lastly, this is the boar from above to show you how this would be seen on the camera for our channel if used and why we picked it. This boar could easily be taken as a capybara from above. I hope you like this mini, even though it's not as intricate as the humanoid ones. Thanks for checking out this blog, and if you like content like this, check out my other blog posts.

And if you haven't done so yet, please check out our YouTube Channel where you can see these mini figures in action:

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