I've worked on plenty of human/human-like races up until this point, so my next task became painting things that could be monsters or enemies that could be fought. The first one here is from a set of three goblins that I painted all at the same time, though I'll share them in separate posts. This first goblin is a little bucktooth guy with scraggly teeth. He likely wouldn't be a hero as he isn't wearing enough armor for that so would most likely be someone to fight, though you could use him as a hero if you wanted. In Runner's Fortune, goblins are a playable heritage (what we call race). I hope you like how he came out.

As you can see, this goblin ended up with scraggly teeth. It wasn't on purpose, the paint brush just kind of did it, and I decided that I liked how it looked so I kept the teeth that way. I once again have the facial features set with angry eyebrows, eyes, pupils, and the teeth in the mouth. I'm happy that it seems I figured out the best way for me to paint faces and will have them on everything from now on.

I painted this goblin with all leather pieces to his armor as it seemed to fit the best for how he looked. With the idea that this would be a goblin you would fight, it made sense that leather would be the main type of material that goblins would use for armor. And the little piece of fur on his waste I colored in a lighter color to make certain it stood out against the leather.
This goblin is holding a large sword, that I made a dark material as it had it in mind that he was an underling and wouldn't be able to get or afford a higher quality weapon. And I also took the time to paint his toenails white. I like how he came out and I hope you do too. If you like content like this, keep coming back to this blog, I plan to share a lot more. And if you like TTRPG's and haven't yet, check out our YouTube channel, Neko-Maoh Games, as well as our Facebook page of the same name, and Instagram @nekomaohgames.
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