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Sypet Day 14 Episode 23

Writer's picture: Jaimie DouglasJaimie Douglas

(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)

Day 14 10/26/2022

On the Island

When we get up the next morning, Azazel is up in a tree. He greets us with good news, bad news, and more good news from Delet. Felix asks for the second good news first, and Azazel tells us they agree. We ask for the first good news, which is that we should all be able to walk through any city south and east and most of the way west, though not Sypet, and not be on wanted posted. The bad news is Delet wants to conquer all the major military bases to the south of us before moving on to the lake of Sypet. It may be 30 years. What they agree to, not placing an outpost, but to extend trade agreements with Felix and Xander’s family. Felix and Xander take a look at the letter they originally got from their father, and change the agreement to be to Delet instead of Sypet.

We chat about our options, as helping Delet take over the lower version of Sypet might help us. Our options might include doing more stuff with the mine and ore, but that’s not really realistic with us as there aren’t enough in our group to make mining worth it. If we clear the shadow demon guys, the island will have very little defense when/if we choose to leave. Right now, we can expect the Raya to stay near the island anyway and give whatever protection they can. After a thorough discussion of our options, we decide to pack up and head to Aping where we can hire people to work on the island and protect it for us. We head to the Raya to talk to them about our plans. When we arrive, the first mate is out on the deck, a ghost like the others. We talk to the first mate about our plans, seeing if there is a way for us to talk with them over distances, and see if we could get some supplies for them if we need to. He heads inside and then comes back out with a small pink stone. It’s a communication stone. He says that they have a few to speak to others if they need to and this will help us communicate with them while away. We ask them to keep a watch on the island while they are gone and they agree. We also ask them to have a few ghosts to head to the mine, to map it out. We ask for a few ghosts to come with us to watch the ship while it’s at dock and we are away and they ask what we need. We request a ghost to be a maintainer and two rowers maybe. They agree and we will be sent with three ghosts. We head over to the schooner. It has a nameplate that informs us that it’s called the Dahxson.

We get inside the ship, and Felix inspects it. It’s in good condition, but needs a bit of repair. The ghosts will likely take care of that for us, so we leave it be. There are some star charts and maps. There’s a pair of ballista on the bow, but no other heavy armaments. It is a twin mast ship. There is a deck below and a small cargo section at the bottom. There is a room that is quarters and the rest is general use. You could fit about 30 people there.

The roles we give each character on the the boat while sailing are:

Azazel - mast directions, Gwyneira - keep watched of the sea and the currents, Xander - working the helm, Felix - mast directions and map, Hawthorn - keep watch from the perch, or help with weapons if needed, Idham - meditate on deck and man weapons if he needs.

As the ghosts arrive, two rowboats arrive, both Paddles and Oars, and a third that Felix has named Steven. We get ready and head out.

The Sea and to Aping

The next few days are uneventful, with a minor storm we handle fine. We arrived at Aping hold, which is not Aping proper but about a day out. We head to the dock, and it’s just deep enough for the Dahxson. Someone comes bustling up, his clothes looking decent and not dirty. We pay to dock for about 4 days. Felix asks about getting some maintenance to the outside of the ship. The man is named Thomas. We head along the road, heading toward Aping. We camp at night by the side of the road. Other groups seem to be doing the same. We rise in the morning and continue to Aping. As we get closer, we come out of the forest surrounding Aping and get into new cut zones. Suddenly, we can see quite a way around us. We look and see Aping, and it looks to be a solid fortress. It is still wooden, but tall with wooden staves and spikes from it. There’s archer towers scattered throughout the field and around the wall itself. They likely know they are close to war. It is likely a military city. Azazel has stowed his armor as he would be recognized as a Death Knight from Delet. We enter the city. The guards take note of our entrance.

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