Here is another mini that's just an additional mini we had sitting around that needed to be painted. She isn't a specific character right now, but I have to keep moving through what we have in order to make sure all of our minis have color. No more boring white or gray minis please. That's not fun at all. This mini, I would say is a ranger or she could be a fighter of some kind. I did paint her in a way that would make her being a ranger make sense. I hope you like how she came out.

I had the help of my twin sister when I started painting this. I wasn't quite sure what colors would be best, so I asked her and we decided on greens and brown. I gave her a green dress, a green wrap, a yellow sash, light brown leggings, and brown leather boots, belt, and bracers. I really love how the texture of the fabric stands out on this mini, as well.
I also gave her a darker skin tone because I had only given most of the mini figures pale or tan skin, and decided she would look good with that darker skin. She also has black hair, and though you can't really see it, she has brown eyes. It was hard to paint the eyes with the hood in the way as well as the brown eye color blends a bit into the skin tone. I also gave the swords gold handles just because I though they looked good with the color scheme.

I love how the little details all stand out once the colors get onto the surface and the wash makes them stand out. Before I painted this mini, I didn't notice the details on the sword hilt as well as the dagger on her back and all of the detail in fabric that makes it look like like fabric. It's just amazing to me how different they look after having paint added.
Overall, I really like how she came out. When I painted this mini, I didn't have a paint specific to a darker skin tone, but I think the brown I used still looks good. And it motivated me to go to the store and pick up a paint for this. I'd gotten all my paints from a large paint bundle just to get me started, and it didn't have that darker skin tone, so it was time to get it. I hope you like how this mini came out and if you like content like this, keep coming back to this blog, I plan to share a lot more. And if you like TTRPG's and haven't yet, check out our YouTube channel, Neko-Maoh Games, as well as our Facebook page of the same name, and Instagram @nekomaohgames.
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