I'm back again with another mini to share. This mini is not meant to be a specific character. I just painted it so it wasn't bare and picked colors that I decided would look good on it. I almost wish it was for a character though so I had more to say about it. Maybe I could give this character more life that way. I suppose I could make up a story for each mini, but that would take some effort, so I'm gonna pass in favor of painting more minis or writing more posts. Maybe other people can come up with a story for her if they want? That could be fun. If you want to, go for it, though I'm not too worried. I'm sure she'll end up with a story eventually. Well, without further ado, here she is. (I plan to use pronouns for these minis that match the physical appearance just because that makes it easier for me. Each mini could really be whatever gender someone who might want to use it could come up with for them, but I'm choosing just one pronoun for each to make these blog posts easier to read and not make them confusing.)

This mini is a female warrior of some kind. I would hazard a guess that she probably a barbarian, or maybe a fighter, but I don't think any other class would suit her very well. As you can see, I did manage to paint her face, and this is where I really figured out how to do so in a way that worked for me. So, she has eyes (though the pupil is hard to see it's there, it's just brown so blends in a bit), eyebrows, and of course her mouth was painted.
For her coloring, I decided to try out the tan color flesh tone that I have since I hadn't had the chance to try it yet. For her beautiful wavy/curly hair, black seemed like a good option, also because I didn't have many mini's that had black hair yet. Caleigh does, though I didn't count her in my mind since that was a mini done for someone else, and then the Tiefling of course. So I decided to give her black hair. And then the red just because I thought it would work well for her.

You can see her lovely hair really nicely from this angle. I love that they have different hair textures for the mini figures because a lot of media portrays the vast majority of people with straight hair, and as someone with wavy/curly hair myself, I love seeing it more often. In fact, I started to notice more and more when wavy/curly hair looks nice on actresses/actors because my sister, Lina, helped me learn more about taking care of my own hair. Shameless plug here, if you have wavy/curly hair that you don't know what to do with, check out her channel, Lina's Lovely Locks. She gives a lot of good information.
I really just love how this mini came out overall. I only wish that the paint on the face had come out a tad smoother. But overall, I love how the colors came out as well as just the way this mini looks. Most of the minis are just the character standing there, but here, she looks absolutely ready for action. From her pose, to the way she's holding her sword, and even her mouth being wide open, ready to shout, she screams ready to attack. This is just a really fun mini overall. Thanks for checking it out and I hope you like how she came out. If you like content like this, keep coming back to this blog, I plan to share a lot more. And if you like TTRPG's and haven't yet, check out our YouTube channel, Neko-Maoh Games, as well as our Facebook page of the same name, and Instagram @nekomaohgames.
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And if you're curious for my sister's channel, you can find it here: