Here's the next mini I painted. This mini is being used for my character in our Wednesday campaign. Her name is Gwyneira and she is a half-human, half-ice primal Necromancer/Warlock. She has leg braces as her legs were badly damaged so she has to use those as well as a mix of magic to hover in order to get around. She travels with a capybara named Ringo.

This is the drawing that I did of Gwyneira. Just like Rayvvin, I designed a mini on Hero Forge and drew a picture based off of it. I'm pleased with how the picture came out, but it doesn't look like the current mini. I do hope to be able to print out the mini eventually.

This is the mini figure we (Nate and myself) chose for Gwyneira considering that she is a sexy woman who uses seduction frequently. Her hair isn't naturally blue, but she uses magic to make it look that way and since she sticks that color, I choose to give the mini blue hair instead of her natural color. I also didn't paint eyes on her since I wasn't confident I could.
You can see the leg brace here just a bit. Gwyneira choose to put rubies and diamonds on it to deck it out some to fit in with the people of Sypet who like to show off their wealth, but also because she isn't ashamed of having to use the braces to move around and doesn't mind them being obvious.
I used mainly blue to paint this mini because we'd decided to essentially assign one color to minis so it would be a bit easier from above to tell which one is which. It only worked so well, but it worked better than having them all be the same color. I hope you like how this mini came out as I'm pretty pleased with it.
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