The next mini that I painted is a 3d printed mini that I decided to paint to see if it would be worth 3d printing our mini figures. It's a cheaper alternative than going to the store or online and buying minis. And you can even make your own character with minis like this. Our 3d printer prints plastic, so let me know what you think about how this came out!

This is the front of the mini. You can see the layers that were left from being printed. Now to be fair, I didn't do any sanding or anything and I only sprayed it with the primer to see how it would look.
An angle from the side here. I will say I still didn't have many paints at this point, so the colors are pretty basic and I once again used mixed colors to create the skin tone.
You can see part of the crossbow is missing here with this view from the back. The 3d printed models have to have stands printed underneath them as they print in layers, so when we removed that stand, the piece of crossbow broke off. Though the solid mini is definitely not fragile, the smaller piece can be.
Overall, I would say that 3d printed mini figures don't have the detail that the ones you buy do. If you have the right 3d printer and have detail on high (as you can decrease the detail in order to make it print faster) it might possibly have better detail. But I still don't think they will have quite as good detail. Next time, I think I'll try to get rid of the ridges as they are pretty obvious, but these will definitely be usable, especially if we just use it for basic guards and the like. Tell me what you think?