I wanted to share another mini figure in my desperate hope to catch up to the ones I already have painted and knowing it will likely be a while. Here we have a mini that actually was designed to be a character, though not for one of our campaigns. This character is Zale, a flamboyant bard that Nate got to play for one session of a campaign when we were playing with my older sibling Liz as our DM. Unfortunately, Liz got very busy with school, so we had to stop the campaign and Nate didn't get to play Zale. As these minis are mostly Nate's, I always ask him if he has any preference for how they get colored before I do anything with them. Most of the time he says no, but in this case, he asked me to paint this mini for him, in the hopes that one day he can play Zale again.

As Zale is quite flamboyant and loud, Nate asked me to use a lot of bright colors as they would best fit his personality. Unfortunately, even though he's a bard, there isn't an instrument on this mini, but it still suits the character very well. I really love how he came out. There were so many sections that it wasn't a struggle to get the different colors on here. You can see, he does have blue eyes and very angry looking eyebrows. That's just how they were on the mini. I wouldn't say the character is angry, he just has a resting face that looks that way.

I loved all the details on this mini. By this point, I was very comfortable painting minis, so the details, instead of making me stressed or anxious, were fun to paint and deal with. I just loved how, as I painted it, I found more and more tiny details that I didn't notice before. I would like to note that his metal being gold and his sword and dagger being blue came from the need to make him more colorful, and I thought fit nicely with the rest of the bright colors.
Here you can see more of those details, with the sheathe for the sword as well as the belt, and the clothing he's wearing being very visible. While I considered adding even more colors to that red flap of clothing to make what looks like stitches stand out, I decided against it considering how much detail is already on there. I didn't want it to be too overwhelming. I would like to also note that doing his blonde hair was not the easiest because I had to make it an ash blonde but not make it look gray, so I had to mess with it a bit to get it right.
Overall, this was a really fun mini to paint, and Nate loved how it came out, so I feel like I succeeded greatly with this one. And how well his face came out thrilled me and made it easier for me to want to keep painting minis with more facial features. It really gives them a much better look. Thanks for checking it out and I hope you like how he came out. If you like content like this, keep coming back to this blog, I plan to share a lot more. And if you like TTRPG's and haven't yet, check out our YouTube channel, Neko-Maoh Games, as well as our Facebook page of the same name, and Instagram @nekomaohgames.
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