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Another Mini for Nate

This mini is another one for Nate. Just like I have two mini's, one for Wednesday and one for Thursday, so does Nate. As our Game Master, he always like to have one character in the party in order to experience everything the way a player does, and in the rare occasion where the battle ends up being too strong, he has a reasonable way to step in and help us. This is Artimious, or Timmy as the group calls him. He is a part of the Thursday group, and he is an Elf Hunter with OCD (not just the silly kind that you see is a lot of media, but actual causes problems time of OCD).

Artimious always used dual weapons, one on the right and one on the left to keep balanced. Here he has his dual blades, but he also sports two hand crossbows. I didn't put eyes on this mini, as you can see here, as I wasn't able to do so yet, and had no confidence in being able to do so.

Nate has played Artimious at least four times, with this being the fourth, so he has a long history. You can learn some of it by watching our videos, but lets just say that he has died and turned into a tree multiple times.

Artimious never uses metals that cost a lot of money. He always gives his money to charity and doesn't feel the need to be decked out in lots of expensive items. This means that his clothes are also quite durable, but not worth a lot of money.

As he has OCD, he can't stand it when things are uneven. If one of his weapons breaks, he can't use the other one, or if he gets injured on one side, he has to be injured on the other. It's just a downside to how his brain works. Most often, this manifests as the string on one crossbow breaking and him having to either break it on the other one, or just drop them entirely and deal with it later, or he will be beyond distracted. I hope you like how this mini turned out and if you want to see Artimious in action, check out our YouTube Channel, Neko-Maoh Games.

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