Hey, Jaimie here. I don't know how many people caught this, but there was a bit of a glitch with Taba Episode 4. At about an hour and two minutes, the video went to black with no sound for about twenty minutes before the video ended. The issue has been fixed and the video has been reuploaded with the ending it's supposed to have (which was still the same ending but minus the twenty minutes of nothing). Please check it out and enjoy.
Also, I wanted to say just due to time constraints for everyone involved, we will only be posting Sypet on Monday and Taba on Wednesday for our YouTube. This way we will have a back log of videos for when there are weeks where our players are sick, busy, or have other things going on. This will also help us not be so stressed about updating since Nate is a very busy person and I don't have the skills yet to take over his part, which he may not even want me to. I hope you understand and continued to enjoy our videos.
If you haven't checked out our channel yet, please do: