(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)
Day 9 9/27/2022
At the base of the mountain near the mine
Abcde is three fourths of the way to the door. We don’t know what these figures are that are emerging from the lake. We see them scatter, heading in every direction. Coming out behind some of them are tentacles, three enormous tentacles, reaching out of the lake. Chodrak drops into baby doll form and Caleigh scoops him up. A large group of these figures heads directly towards us. The tentacles are grabbing these things and pulling them back into the lake, stopping them from getting away. We call Abcde for help and they turn to look at us, then turn back and blast at the door, trying to finish getting through. The handle is sticking out, so they know they’re close. Everlee carries Chodrak after taking him from Caleigh who carries Sterling. Rayvvin and Artimious run. Abcde comes to meet us, not yet done blasting through the ice, but wanting to help their allies. We all book it up the mountain. Evil emanates from behind us, pushing us to continue forward. The group is outpacing the shadow beings and we soon arrive at the door. Abcde blasts one more time and they are certain that a stronger member of the group could pull open the door at this point. Abcde checks the magic on the door, and there are a few types that they can find. Both an illusion and an abjuration are on the door.
Caleigh turns around to watch the beings behind us while Sterling tries to pull open the door using his crowbar. He is able to but as it pops open, the inside looks pitch black and when he tries to touch it, it repels him. This is obviously arcane in nature. Caleigh turns her attention to this magic and feels two spells that we could attempt to unravel. With the help of Rayvvin, Everlee, and Chodrak, we are able to release the spells. We charge inside with Artimious slamming the doors closed behind us.
In the Smithery
Caleigh lights a hooded lantern and Rayvvin lights a torch while Abcde lights lanterns around the room. Inside this room, we see a large well in the middle. Sterling lights a lantern and places it in a bucket in the well and he lowers it. The rope is magical and ends up being longer than it looks from the amount we can see spooled around the bar at the top. Sterling pulls his lantern back up as it doesn’t reach the bottom. Behind us, we hear a crashing sound, and then a louder crash, right before the doors buckle in. There is a tentacle lying across where the door had been. Abcde starts to run toward the other doorway and we see the tentacle hit again, rebounding against the magical barrier we came through. It reappeared when the door closed behind us. Abcde goes to rip open the door, pulling quite hard. They don’t open the door, but pull it straight off the hinges and off the wall. After Artimious checks the hall for traps and Abcde lights the lanterns, Abcde walks in. We head down to the next hallway and at the end is an iron door. Artimious checks it for traps and sees none. Abcde gets to the next door and tries to pull it open. It inches slowly open. Sterling helps with his crowbar and they are able to open the rest of the way. As they pop it open, we see a very large, awkward looking being. It looks at us, it’s one eye just blinking.
Abcde calls to it in primal, it just awkwardly faces us and then starts to move forward. Abcde runs into the room, Chodrak behind them, and Sterling on the other side. It follows Abcde, talking to them in primal. It says it’s name is Exor. He wants food, and after some talking to find out what he eats, Caleigh takes a rock and crushes it to dust, and hands it to him. He says it’s boring and the rock he likes is further in but it’s scary in there. Other things have come in. Rayvvin tries to hand him rations, but he wants silver. They give him a silver piece to eat instead. Caleigh goes to look through the broken door on one side of the room, and Sterling gives Exor all his silver. Sterling gives him a high five and then asks about the melted lake. He says the people that used to live here might be trying to come back. They are trapped by whatever has the tentacles. It’s an ancient evil that’s been around since the beginning of time. They made an enemy of it and left, leaving Exor here without food. They got knowledge, and tried to call themselves gods. The gods didn’t care but the thing that is in the lake did. Exor used to make materials for the forge but is too hungry now to do so.
One door in this room has the treasure behind it, and the broken door has the rocks down it that he likes. We tell him we’ll get food for him and head down the corridor. It’s completely covered in cobwebs. In the webs we see dead spiders. They are big spiders as well. Abcde clears out the spiderwebs using their fire magic. Caleigh tries to open the next door. Inside the room we see three large gelatinous beings. Caleigh slams the door closed. The group talks and we decide to go in and take these things out. She then opens the door again, and Caleigh casts daylight. The beings scream. Caleigh yells out to them, asking what they are and what they want. They are moving toward Caleigh. She flies up in the air. Caleigh fights. The rest of us join the fight. We win. Abcde makes the dead bodies taste like rock and then goes to Exor and tells him that there are things in the next room for him to eat. Abcde leads him into the other room and he starts to eat all the dead bodies.
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