(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)
I wanted to make sure I got this up because I know the audio on the video is not good. So here is the written version that you can quickly read or follow along with the video while watching. We're sorry about the bad audio quality and do what we can so it won't happen again.
Day 7 8/11/2022
Out in the wild
When Chodrak opens his eyes, he does not see a wagon, but a room. There are rows of bookshelves, though they are mostly empty. At the front is a stone throne and behind him, a curtain covers a simple doorway. This room is quite magical and is likely the source of magic that Abcde was talking about. The curtain with the door is where Chodrak dove in. He peeks around to look at the books. They are quite basic, story books, arcane spells basic, and the like. Chodrak goes to touch the throne, touching the arm. He feels it vibrating and a little tickle starts in the back of his head. He jumps to sit on the throne. It is quite nicely sized for him, being on the smaller size. His vision fades to black and a new scene appears in front of him. He sees this same room, but the shelves are full of books with people all around. His hand reaches over and as he looks at it, it’s a nobby green hand. Walking up to him is someone that he faintly recognizes but can’t quite place. She is a tiefling. She looks familiar but not quite right for some reason. As he looks at this tiefling and reads the magical energies off of her, he recognizes that the energies are the same energies as the ones that were holding the elf aloft in his vision. He can’t make out what she says to him. He feels like it’s a memory he’s watching. He reaches out, and pats the tiefling. Then everything swaps and now he’s in the tiefling’s body, looking at the goblin. It is the same goblin we’ve been traveling with, Kazel. As the tiefling, it looks more familiar. Then the vision fades and he’s back to himself. He heads back to the door and carefully peeks out, looking out the back of the wagon. He doesn’t see anyone, but hears voices.
The rest of the group stands talking to Kazel. They’ve been digging since Gainsworn came, and even longer. They’re looking for a library. It once held the knowledge of the nation of Taba, long before it was even Taba. It’s of the primordial magical beings that existed long ago, as well as another civilization long gone, wiped out by their own folly. He lost track of how old he was, but he says these are all painful memories. He lost track of his age probably 700 years ago. He was there. He wasn’t in that library, but he ran a smaller library. When asked if he knows where the library is, he says no, but it’s that way ish, to the north. The land doesn’t look the same and it was a long time ago. His city lived above a lake, but it flew, held in place there by strong magical energy. The people of his city are all dead, though there might still be others. He was THE keeper of knowledge, and has immortality.
Chodrak sneaks out of the wagon. His library was over by the lake, but THE library is nearer to where we are now. Chodrak comes over. Kazel knows about us, stuff we didn’t tell him. Caleigh wants to know how he knows, and this is because he is the keeper of knowledge, but he hasn’t doesn’t have as much knowledge now because his books were stolen. Some burned, stolen, taken by a shadow being… He says that the stronger someone’s pull on the strings of times the easier it is to know about them. He saw Rayvvin’s brother in Manza, maybe a year ago. He is not lying to us at all, but he is a very confused being.
We head for the next hour, and we arrive at the gates of Manda. It’s much smaller than Quetares. Hanging outside the gate are ten bodies with a sign saying deserters will be prosecuted. We head in, and the energy is a bit better. There is an air of fear, but the city itself is much nicer, with stone roads and nice houses. We can easily see the guild hall just ahead, not as nice as the one we were in before, but still nice. Kazel tells us that the mine is in the west.
Around the library was ice, solid ice and snow and always seemed to be there. He never went there, but saw it through his orb that let him see things far away. The mine it’s cut into a mountain and not the tallest mountain around, it’s small.
We head to the guild hall. They don’t have rooms to stay in, but they have some taverns to suggest. The longhouse is free, or there are three tavern’s we could choose from. The first is a silver a room each night, the next (Hog’s Head Inn) 6, the next a gold. Hog’s Head Inn is the third building on the right. They just had the 10 % cull, so people are on edge. We head to the Hog’s Head inn. As we arrive, it looks well kept. We step inside and there’s a small area to eat with a small bar. We get three rooms, with Chodrak having one to himself. We only pay for one night. We have rooms 9, 10, and 11. Chodrak goes into a room to meditate and we go into room 11 to talk. He comes back to join us after realizing the Tiefling was likely him.
We sat in the room and chatted. Artimious starts looking at maps. Our game plan is to go to the market and see what Kazel has to sell and then maybe go to the guildhall to hire someone to follow Kazel and then tomorrow, head toward the mine. We head to the market, but it’s a bit slow. We are quickly able to pick out Kazel. Artimious and Abcde sneak around the back while the rest of us distract Kazel. We start talking to him, asking questions. Artimoius heads into the wagon and the familiar follows. Caleigh wants to climb inside Kazel’s bag, but to her it looks empty. Sterling sees a red ball about fist sized that looks familiar. Sterling tries to play ball with the wolves but they don’t go after it. Inside, Artimious sees an empty library with a small stone seat. Abcde heads inside and they head right to the throne. They can tell everything is magical, and can now tell what some of the spells they were feeling before were. The chair is currently empty of magic. Artimious and Abcde leave the wagon. They head in a wide arc around the wagon. We all meet up again. Then we head to a cold weather clothing stall. Caleigh is able to get the price down a little bit and we get clothes for those who need them. Sterling has a teenage boy steal some of his money. Sterling tries to catch him, but the kid slips out. The rest of us notice, and Caleigh tiny hut’s him and the kid has fallen to the ground when she comes in to check him. Caleigh asks his name and after some convincing, he says Chip. He says he doesn’t have the money, but when we shake him, he jingles. Sterling turns him upside down, and a pouch falls out. It has 70 silver though Sterling is only missing 10. The boy’s parents got culled and he says he took in others that also had their parents get culled. Rayvvin gives him fancy clothing to sell and Sterling lets him keep the money, as long as he keeps an eye on Kazel.
We split up, Rayvvin sets up a tattoo stall, Everlee browses, Sterling plays with the ball and tries to look under his wood and metal to see if he has human parts (as Kazel said he isn’t all metal and wood), Abcde sits near Rayvvin and reads, Sterling then gets a pickaxe, Caleigh is looking for weapons, and Chodrak is looks for someone who knows about magical items to read his staff, asking at random about an enchanter.
We head back to the inn, get dinner and go to the room to chat. Artimious and Abcde tell us about the wagon. Then we pull out the map to the west to plan for the next day. We head to bed. Dawn the next morning, we wake up and get ready. We head downstairs and give the keys back and we hear Brixert say, “Hello my adventurers!”
And here we have some pictures that I drew/painted for the video posted on our channel:

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