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Taba Day 12 Episode 14

Writer's picture: Jaimie DouglasJaimie Douglas

(A quick note here, I've added these synopsis for people to go back and remind themselves about what happened or if people come in later and don't want to start at the beginning, they can read these really fast, but they are not a replacement for watching our videos as they are not full descriptions. If you don't want to video, you will miss most of the comedy and all of the fighting as I am not going to do a play by play of each attack. So, please check out our videos)

Day 12 11/1/2022

The Guild Hall/Manza

We sit in the room, “getting ready” for our meeting with Count Cristo. We decided to leave a bunch of our stuff in the room, taking only stuff that wouldn’t be suspicious. Chodrak holds on to the weak skeleton key to take with us just in case. We begin heading through the streets of Manza. Behind us, we hear an audible clanking and is slowed to match our pace as it continues behind us. As we turn around to see a hulking armored human semi-crouched behind an Elf. It is Krem. He tries to be invisible but only one of us at a time can’t see him. He tells us we need to leave his city and he can help us leave but we need to get out and this is our final warning. He walks away from us. We follow him along through the streets. He arrives at the gate to the castle. Up close, we can see that it was once a gorgeous castle, but the outside was plated in a black metal and it looks quite ugly now. He walks right inside the castle. As we approach the main doors, one of the guards holds out a hand and stops us. He wants us to verify why we are there and Abcde shows him the letter. He calls for the steward and a few minutes later, a portly Gnome walks out. He seems upset. He waves his hands and as we look at each other, we all look quite fabulous, in fancy outfits that he used his magic to deck us out with. He leads us into the castle.

The Castle

Inside is quite stunning. We are led into a grand hallway with a master staircase up the middle. We are taken up and led to the side of the throne room, to wait in the hall out of the door. He checks to see if the count is ready for us. He peeks in and comes to tell us that we are welcome in. We head into the room. As we enter the room, we see a beautiful room. In the middle of the room is a large table with plush benches. A Goblin sits at the head. To the sides of the room are sets of marble tables with gold and treasure chests and the like. Directly in front of us is a pool, with four recently dead bodies, two Humans, and two Lizardfolks. Standing in the middle is Krem. He glances at us and then goes to stand behind Count Cristo. Count Cristo tells us to enter. We head to the table. He tells us to remain still for a moment. We feel a small tingle touch our minds and then leave again. He says he knows we aren’t planning to kill him so we’re okay. He knows all of us, he thinks. He names us all and gives details about us and something that he can help us with. He then says for us to eat. He claps and servants come out, carrying food. They lay plates down on the table. Caleigh asks about the bodies. He says that’s his interrogation and execution spot. He says we are not required to eat, and grabs food for himself. Abcde asks how Cristo knows Krem. He says Krem is his enforcer that he pulled out of prison.

Abcde wants to know why we were invited to the castle. Cristo says we are interesting people. We talk. He seems to know that we found the mine/smithy in the mountains and tries to threaten us with torture, though he says he wouldn’t actually do that. He tells us what is on the side tables, showing us what we would get for the information on where the mine is and it is quite a lot. Caleigh tries to not lie to him over what happened but not tell the exact truth. Abcde joins in and he believes us. Rayvvin asks him why he wants the mine and what he’d do with it, and if we would be able to use it. Abcde tries to make a deal with Count Cristo, over what we would get from him for looking for the library and the mine. Count Cristo grins, showing filed fangs. He offers for him to write us a missive that states that we are working for him and we should be afforded the rights and interest as such. It would have his seal. The second option would give us real power in Taba. He would make us his retainers, where we would truly be working for him. It would give us more access than a piece of paper. We could conscript people to assist us in any way we desire, we could go to the digging sights and add or remove people if we wished. We would have the power of minor nobility. We would have lodging and land ownerships. If a lord would refuse us, we could send him a letter and that noble would be stricken from power. Rayvvin watches Krem and sees that he is very uncomfortable. It doesn’t seem to have to do with us. Caleigh tells him we need time to think it over. He says, while there is no time limit, if someone finds the mine first, then he wouldn’t make a deal with us.

We say we would like to retire and that we should let him know in the next few weeks as he will be heading to Quetares for a week or so, and then he’d be back here. Cristo tells Krem to escort us back to the guild hall. He says he hasn’t extended this deal to anyone else yet, but we are the only ones to meet with him and others are on the quest. We say goodbye. Caleigh checks Krem and he seems relieved. We head out.

Once we get outside, Caleigh asks him why he wanted us gone. What should we be afraid of? He says he doesn’t work for the count because he wants to. The count spews lies and falsehoods and enjoys the killing and bloodshed and Krem hates that he has the capability for it, but he plays along. He tells us, as much as the count is a conniving paranoid madman, he is honest when he says he is and the retainership is not necessarily a bad thing. He is more afraid of dying than anything else and it has addled him. He is far more paranoid than anyone thinks. He enjoys watching those that try to stand against him die. Krem wished to save us from the sight of the bodies, but the count did it to show us his power. Count Cristo gets all his power from relics, and has little to no power himself. Krem tells us he is a psionic master. He is strong physically but he is also a psychic. He was the one who scanned us to see if we had harmful intent. He wasn’t listening to our minds after the first time though. Krem doesn’t want to go to Quetares with Cristo because Brixert is there. We ask about Brixert and Krem doesn’t know much about him, but his attendant would. Caleigh wants to know how Cristo would feel about Krem joining us and he says that Cristo would prefer that.

Guild Hall

We arrive back at the hall, and he says goodbye unless we need him. We say no for now. He leaves. He says the counts proposals are not evil, so we should think about them, even if the count is evil, and Krem wishes to be an ally. Krem clanks away. He appears to be stealthy and only Rayvvin sees him vanish. To everyone else, he clunks away and is quite clear. We head inside and to our room. Upon arriving at the room, Artimious stops us and pulls a pin from the top of the door and says that no one has entered unless they are really good and not many are. We go in and check our stuff and it appears to be how we left it. We know we have a big decision to make. We discuss. We have three options 1) the letter 2) the retainership 3) bring Krem with us, keep the retainership open, and see what it would mean to be a retainer. We settle in for the night, settling into beds.

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