Hello and welcome back. This is Jaimie with a new update. It's official! Both of our campaigns have been officially launched and you can finally view the beginnings of both. We had a few hiccups there getting started, with my untimely illness, but now were ready and raring to go.
Our first campaign, The Library of Taba, is our Thursday group that plays every other week. Currently, it has it's first full session up as well as a one shot that may or may not eventually be connected to the campaign itself. Who knows. It's at the whim of our GM. Nate Douglas is playing the part of the GM, and joining us we have myself, Emily, Rhys, Pocho, Elijah, and Emmy, hunting through the country of Taba, looking for a mysterious library that no one is sure even exists. We hope you will join us in in this journey, and enjoy the tale we are weaving for you.
Our second campaign, The Pillars of Sypetia, is our Wednesday group that plays every week. Currently, the first session is available to watch. Our GM is once again Nate, and the party includes myself, Zac, Nick, Owen, and Perske who will be joining us on a computer screen as we aren't sure he is human, I mean, as he lives quite the distance away and can't make it in person. We have all journeyed to Sypetia, finding ourselves at the city of Sypet, that floats in the middle of the lake and hasn't been touched by a storm in years... until now. We hope you will watch our journey and learn the secrets of Sypet with us.
The plan for posting videos of our sessions is this: we will split each session into two videos as we realize it can be hard to find the time to watch a three hour or longer video and we want to help our viewers out a bit. The Pillars of Sypetia will have two videos posted every week, and The Library of Taba will have one video posted every week. We hope to play each campaign on the days we have them scheduled, but as you can understand, we are human beings (sadly), and sometimes things get in the way, like illness, traveling, or unforeseen circumstances. In those cases, we might miss a scheduled post, and for that we apologize, but we also are sure our viewers will understand.
More is soon to come, including more videos of the campaigns themselves, as well as introductions to the players and their characters. We hope to also bring you videos by Nate and possibly others about Runner's Fortune and maybe even videos on how to be a GM, if time is willing, so hopefully you will join us for those as well.
Thank you for joining us, and this is Jaimie saying welcome to Neko-Maoh Games.
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